excited you ask? I mean, it's just a little short backpack on the AT. On a section I have done several times, during thru-hiker season, which means a crowd at the shelter. I am excited because 7 years after starting to follow this woman's trail journal, I am going to backpack with her..........on the AT. Yes folks, Certain is in the house. If you want to read her journal Click here, you'll be glad you did.
So moving onward. We leave the house and head to Woody Gap to meet the other dames. Everyone takes advantage of the last semi-clean privy and we are off, heading up FS 42 to Three Forks. There we meet the rest of the Dames, Wendy, Jennifer, Donna, Diana, Fran, Pam, Catrina, and Kirsten. Jules is meeting us at camp, and Hemlock is meeting us somewhere on the trail. We take our time heading NOBO on the AT to the blue blaze trail to Long Creek Falls. Let me just say, the falls were amazing. All of the rain we have had this spring had the falls just filled with water, I have never seen them so magnificent. We had lunch, took pictures, met Angel, a thru-hiker on his first day out, adjusted packs, then headed back down the trail.

Made it to the shelter in about 30 minutes, and soon the other Dames arrived. We all picked out our spots and quickly set up. We had dinner, then spent some time practicing hanging bear bags. I must say, these dames were great sports, and quickly mastered both the PCT version and the "certain" version of hanging bear bags. The rest of the night passed by so quickly, sitting around the pretend campfire, reading fortune cookies, telling stories, and talking about our favorite things. :) I laughed so hard, I think I gave myself a headache. This is the part of Trail Dames, I have always liked the most. The comraderie built around the campfire. The sharing of stories, the laughter, the fun. This is what I will miss the most. Well past hiker midnight we all retired to our own tents/hammocks and soon I was asleep.

I am so glad I made it to this trip. It was good to hang out with my friends, and the newer dames. I began to mend some almost broken friendships, and I got to hike and backpack with Certain. It was truly a perfect weekend.
You have to have confidence in your ability, and then be tough enough to follow through- Rosalyn Carter.
It sure was a fantastic weekend!!! Yay!!!